by Steve Terusaki, MBA 89, Haas Alumni Forums Director

E ach year I look forward to the end of April. It is the time when the annual Haas Alumni Conference gathers alumni from all around the world to return to Berkeley for the annual Haas Alumni Reunion and Conference Weekend. This year’s confab was no exception. The reconnection to the School and to the alumni community is always rejuvenating.

The Alumni Conference highlights the amazing accomplishments of Haas alums who are changing the world! The keynote by Jan Shelly Brown (JSB) was just the beginning of the day. Haas faculty are doing amazing research which was shared in the various presentations throughout the day. The Haas programs continue to provide a learning platform to a whole new generation of students dedicated to the Guiding Principles of Haas. With Dean Ann E. Harrison leading the School in her next term as Dean, and the recent election of former dean, Rich Lyons to the Chancellorship of the University of Berkeley, we have a great future in front of us.

2024 was a landmark 5-year marker for Haas graduating classes ending in 9’s or 4’s. It was my 35th Reunion and a time to personally reflect on the many gifts that have come from being the Class of 1989, the first graduating class of the newly named Walter A. Haas School of Business. Sharing narratives of our professional and personal journeys is becoming increasingly important to me as I look back, and look forward to how Haas has shaped me and others in the Haas community.

One of my personal take-away’s came out of the #Haas Story Salon segment of the Conference. Carmen Palafox EMBA-14; Adrienne Hogg BS-86/EWMBA94; Kris Cuaresma-Primm MBA-14; Omar Garriott MBA-09; Steve Peletz BS-83/MBA-99; and Tracy Baldwin BCEMBA-04 each left the audience with a memorable narrative that highlighted how their Haas experience brought them to their current work, finding passion and meaning in what they do.

A common theme was how each sought support from the Haas community at times of greatest need, built connections, and created community. A reminder for all who were in Andersen Auditorium to reach out and engage with fellow alums – for great things can happen.

Hearing this message, I wanted to jump up and shout to the rafters – JOIN A HAAS ALUMNI FORUM!

The Haas Alumni Forums program was created for this exact purpose in mind. Although the Forums have no formal relationship with the Haas School of Business the program benefits from a network of Haas alumni who seek to follow the Guiding Principles of Haas: #StudentsAlways; #QuestiontheStatusQuo; #BeyondYourself; and #ConfidencewithoutAttitude. Since 2020, the program has been administered under my SEIDO Consulting banner.

The Forums have been designed as a place for Haas alums to come together to offer mutual support offering each member their own personal Board of Directors. Forum members meet on a regular basis in a confidential setting. It is a place where one can openly discuss professional and personal challenges, career goals and aspirations, gain fresh perspectives on ways to move forward, and form long-lasting connections with fellow Haas peers.

If you feel isolated in your leadership position or in your career journey, it is worth considering the advantages of joining Forum. Discover the strength in a supportive community of your Haas peers. You can find detailed information on the Haas Alumni Forum program by clicking HERE.

Please use the “like” icon, or add your comments and repost the article to your networks if you found some nuggets of wisdom. And of course, connect with me on LinkedIn so that we can be first order connections.

About Haas Alumni Forums

Haas Leadership Forums are comprised of 8-12 alumni who meet monthly—currently online only—to gain perspective and insight on the challenging issues they face as business leaders.

Forums are confidential settings where open discussion can lead to transformational professional and personal growth.

Find more information about the program:

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